Riot Forge, the developer and publisher of League of Legends, has revealed new information about its upcoming game Ruined King: A League of Legends Story. The game will feature two new champions, Illaoi and Yorick, who will join the cast of playable characters in the game.
Illaoi is a fierce priestess from the Shadow Isles, known for her ability to summon tentacles that can attack her enemies. Yorick is a reclusive gravedigger who is able to raise undead ghouls to fight alongside him. Both characters have been popular in the League of Legends community for some time, and their inclusion in Ruined King is sure to excite fans.
In addition to the new champions, Riot Forge has also announced that Ruined King will be released on multiple platforms, including PC, Xbox, PlayStation, and Nintendo Switch. This will make it the first single-player game set in the League of Legends universe to be available on all major gaming consoles.
The game is set to take place in the port town of Bilgewater and the Shadow Isles, and will follow a group of champions as they attempt to uncover the mystery behind the Ruined King. Players will be able to control a party of up to three champions at a time, and will be able to switch between them during combat.
Ruined King promises to be an exciting addition to the League of Legends universe, and is sure to appeal to both longtime fans of the game and newcomers alike. With its release on multiple platforms, it has the potential to reach a wider audience than ever before.

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