Earlier this week, studio My.Games announced the first alpha test on the Russian version of Lost Ark. The test was made available to a select audience consisting of Russian streamers and YouTubers.
Although the alpha version is available without a confidentiality clause, content producers should inform their audience that this is not the final version of the game.
Thus, starting on September 4th, the alpha version will be available for testing until the 9th. This way, influencers will have access by invitation to the test. Beginning September 10, My.Games will host a broader trial, covering players who have invested in a founders package.
The progress made by players during the testing phase will be erased at the end of this period. Faced with the occasion the first continent will be playable with all its content. You will be able to try the basic PVP and reach level 50.
However, the developer of the Russian version will not have the same number of playable classes as the South Korean version. While the South Korean version debuted with twelve distinct classes, Lost Ark UK will be made available with a smaller number.
To prepare players, the game pre-download is available at Game Center.
In our tutorial, learn how to download and register for Lost Ark RU.
Posted by Livia Dias