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New World Team Reveals Enhancements and Collaborative Process Behind Cinematics in 'Rise of the Angry Earth

  • Posted 10/10/2023

MMORPG , Geral

In the vibrant universe of "New World," Amazon Game Studios is tirelessly working to enhance the player experience, with one crucial aspect being the creation of engaging cinematics that immerse players in the game's narrative. Recently, the team behind "New World" shed light on the collaborative process that led to the impressive cinematics featured in "Rise of the Angry Earth."

The developers of "New World" shared insights into how they worked closely with various teams, including writers, conceptual artists, and animators, to craft an immersive cinematic experience that enriches the game's storyline. This collaboration allowed them to tell a more compelling and intricate story, adding depth to the world of Aeternum.

To achieve this level of cinematic quality, the team invested time and effort into enhancing the technology behind the cinematics. This involved improvements in rendering, animation, and lighting, resulting in more realistic and emotionally charged scenes. Moreover, they also made sure that the cinematics seamlessly fit into the game's narrative, creating a more cohesive and engaging experience for players.

These efforts by the "New World" team underscore Amazon Game Studios' ongoing commitment to raising the game's standards and providing an exceptional experience for players.

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