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"World of Tanks Modern Armor Launches 10th Anniversary Celebration with Epic Events and Exciting Updates"

  • Posted 08/02/2024

FPS, Geral

World of Tanks Modern Armor, the console version of Wargaming's renowned tank warfare game, is kicking off its one-year celebration for the 10th anniversary with a plethora of exciting events and fresh content for players to enjoy.

This epic festivity will span the entire year, offering exclusive monthly rewards commemorating the game's 10 years, tied to themed events to be released in future updates. The celebration begins with the arrival of the new Celebration War Chests and the Big X Community Op operation, both available as of yesterday. This operation presents the opportunity to acquire two tanks for free, the brand-new Lago M38 and the iconic T-34-88. And the surprises don't end there, as next week, on February 13, more rewards will be up for grabs, including garage gear and a Tier X MBT-B tank, either free or with generous discounts exclusively for veteran players.

The festivities will continue over six seasons, featuring new rewards and celebration events. A dedicated Celebrations website allows players to view available options and track their seasonal progress conveniently. Additionally, new monthly challenges will be introduced, totaling 12 exclusive Emblems to collect. The first of these emblems, the Big X 10th Anniversary emblem, is already available for players to earn until March 4.

In a statement regarding this grand celebration, Wargaming CEO Victor Kislyi expressed gratitude to players worldwide who have contributed to the game's success and continuous development over the past decade. He emphasized the importance of the work done by the Chicago studio and announced that Wargaming is preparing even more significant updates for the future.

But the excitement doesn't stop there. Throughout this year, players can expect the release of new tanks to acquire and upgrade, including an annual challenge that will reward players with unrevealed tanks, one from World War II and another from the Cold War era. Additionally, this month will see the introduction of a new line of tech trees featuring German light tanks and tank destroyers for the Cold War mode. And in the spring, the release of a new World War II Tech Tree line is scheduled.

After indulging in the festivities of World of Tanks Modern Armor, players can further enhance their gaming experience with NoPing, an effective solution for issues such as high ping, latency, frame drops (fps), lag, packet loss, jitter, and disconnects. Learn more about how NoPing can improve your connection and optimize your performance in the game, providing a smooth and uninterrupted gaming experience


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