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  • Posted 11/02/2019

This Monday, 11th of February, Bandai Namco released a live-action teaser and a preview trailer for the highly anticipated Jump Force. In live action, a man finds Freeza, Naruto and Luffy, ready to fight a villain who presents the dangers of merging. In this teaser, the linear universe falls into a disagreement with the Shonen world.


Bandai Namco released the official trailer for the release of the game, which features many characters from animes and mangas interacting in epic battles and surprising moments. The most prominent and recognizable characters of anime and manga's universe are in action, giving only the most eager players a taste of what the game will be.



Dragon Ball Z, Naruto, Yu-Gi-Oh !, One Piece, Hunter X Hunter among other great titles will be present with playable characters that will be together in a battle arena.

Jump Force arrives on February 15 for PS4, Xbox One, and PC.



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