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MIBR loses for CLOUD9, but prepares for COMPLEXITY!

  • Posted 20/02/2019

On this Wednesday, 20th of February, the players and teams of CS: GO turned their attention to IEM Katowice. The MIBR was present with a more than expected return to the competitive universe of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, bringing a new team formation and a Brazilian uniform.
Its first match against Cloud9 didn't please either the fans or the team: a 16 x 3 loss on the Inferno map highlighted Cloud9's well-designed attacks, which motivated its victory over MIBR.





The Brazilian team returns to a new confrontation today, with the cheers entirely focused on the MIBR in the social media.
The Intel Extreme Masters XIII - Katowice 2019 started their matches last week and will end on March 3rd, 2019.


Be sure to experience epic matches in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive without lags! Test NoPing for 7 days for free!


Posted by Livia Dias

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