Rollback Correction
Rollbacks, also known as rubberbanding, are frustrating setbacks in online gaming where your character's actions are reversed, seemingly teleporting them back to a previous position. It's like a glitch in the Matrix, where your progress suddenly rewinds, causing you to miss crucial actions and potentially lose the game.
In the digital world of online gaming, your computer and the game server constantly exchange small units of data called packets. These packets carry information about your actions and the game's responses. When this communication is disrupted due to unstable connections, such as packet loss, ping spikes, or consistently high ping, rollbacks can occur. Imagine these packets as cars on a highway; if there's a traffic jam (high ping) or an accident (packet loss), the cars can't reach their destination on time, leading to the frustrating rewind effect of a rollback.
Rollbacks not only disrupt the flow of the game but also make it feel unresponsive and disjointed. They can cause you to miss important shots, fail to dodge attacks, or lose progress you've worked hard to achieve. Ultimately, rollbacks can be the difference between victory and defeat in your online matches.

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